The human body has around 40 trillion cells that divide down into 250 body organs (liver, kidneys, heart, etc.) and systems (nervous, hormone, lymphatic, etc.). Cellular health is primarily determined by the strength of the negative (-mV) charge of organ and systems cells. That is, the living cells operate at an optimal level as an energy system, supported by microbes (eg. gut microbes) and chemical actions (eg. cellular energy production). 

The key processes in the body are digestion, absorption, assimilation, and elimination. Cells need to be at an optimal negative charge of about -50mV to enable proper cell regulation and healing. 


All living species are regulated by two (2) forces: entropy and syntropy. Entropy (2nd Law of Thermodynamics) is the natural force that leads to decay or death unless there is a compensating force, eg. syntropy. Syntropy is a life-affirming force that slows down decay (ie. aging) and prevents disease. When entropy is the overpowering force, cell charge will change polarity and move to a positive (+mV) charge, and this is the zone of decay or disease. 

Measures to maximise syntropy for health and wellbeing  

The primary strategies to maximise the syntropy force (ie. -mV charge) at a cellular level are: 

  • Hydrate cells with negative (-mV) charge water. That is, use a Phi’on MEA Water ® Device to produce water with a permanent negative charge (see for further information) 
  • Eat fresh organic food as the negative charge in the water of food declines rapidly after 60 hours from harvest to the point where it becomes dead food. However, this food can be revitalised by placing it in negative (-mV) charged, MEA water. 
  • Access the full spectrum of sunlight (eg. photons of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet frequencies) to sustain cellular negative charge. 
  • Practice earth grounding, ie. daily contact with nature as the Earth (soil) and living plants carry a negative charge to recharge the negative charge of human cells and extract positive charge from these cells.  
  • Embrace love, joy and hope as these emotions carry a negative charge to cells, while the positive charged emotions like grief, resentment, anger, etc. carry a positive charge to cells. That is, the so-called positive emotions carry and negative charge.  
  • Embrace music that carries a negative charge vibration or frequency. This includes the 432 Hz music and particularly the classical music of Mozart that is entrained to cells and enhances negative charge of the cell. 
  • Oxygenation of blood cells or saturation of these cells with the negative charge of oxygen (O2-) increases the syntropy energy of cells. 


Ideally, every family should grow food for daily use, or access fresh food daily. The selection of real food (nutrient dense) rather than processed or synthetic food is critical to sustaining cell health. Also, the way that this food is prepared and cooked can determine how much of the food value (ie. nutrients and the food’s negative charge) is absorbed into the blood stream. For example, meat cooked in high heat, eg. BBQ, pan fried, grilled, and baked can make the meat fats and oils toxic and this causes a cellular condition called glycation that leads to inflammation and the start of disease conditions. Similarly, all fast food will degrade cell health. 

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