Good health is possible when you understand how your body functions. The human body is a self-regulating and self-healing system and therefore degenerative disease is closely connected to deficiencies in nutrition, poor lifestyle and loss of contact with the natural environment. Phi’on takes a holistic approach to body regulation and healing, specialising in human, soil, plant, water, air and animal health.

The ideal first step is often to balance your gut biology with beneficial microbes, using a liquid probiotic that is nutrient dense and has diverse and abundant beneficial biology.  Other steps can include mineral balancing, sustaining an alkaline blood pH, increasing collagen in connective tissue, detoxing heavy metals and chemicals, increasing oxygen levels in cells, and keeping cellular charge in a high negative (eg. -50mV) charge state.

The Information and Blog papers on this website detail specific approaches designed to sustain a pathway to well-being.  Phi’on products are researched and designed by our scientific staff as natural foods to address specific nutritional issues.

Nutrient choices

By understanding that nutrition is the basis of body regulation and healing we have the opportunity to reduce the chances of disease.  We have seen a significant increase in disease and health costs over the last ten years. This is a disaster for future generations and is largely due to poor food choices, in particular the over use of fast and processed food.  Nutrient dense food production and the flow of this energy is fundamental to all life, including wildlife, so a healthy, organic balance in food choices is essential for the body.

Specific information papers on nutrition, lifestyle and environmental choices  can be downloaded from the Information and Blog sections on this website.

Lifestyle choices

Lifestyle choices will significantly affect well-being. They include the physical and social aspects of life and cover positive relationships, avoiding toxicity in food (including irradiation from microwaved food), water and air. Regular mobility through exercise, proper access to early morning sunlight (red waveband light), avoiding all forms of drugs (including medications), moderation with alcohol and contact with nature.

Environment choices

Humans are 99.9% genetically the same as humans 20,000 years ago. Therefore, our body systems require regular access to natural, nutrient dense foods, clean chemical free water and fresh air.  Our social and psychological well-being is most stable when we have regular contact with the natural environment for recreation and leisure.  The modern day urban environment (air, water and soil) is contaminated with chemicals that can become toxins in human cells.  While humans have a body regulation process for detoxification, people who live in cities or work with chemicals or heavy metals generally have moderate to high levels of cellular toxicity and need to detox regularly.

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