“Athena 3/4’’ MEA Water ® Device” has been added to your cart. View cart
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Athena 3/4’’ MEA Water ® Device
$1,770.00 $AUD
Athena 3/4’’ MEA Water ® Device (household) The Athena restructures water into a life-affirming form for every water outlet in and around your home and garden. It is an inline device fitted to your main water supply and perfect for your house or small building. Potential Benefits: Water tastes soft
Iris Chrome 1/2’’ MEA Water ® Device
$685.00 $AUD
Iris Chrome 1/2’’ MEA Water ® Device (sink | shower | single tap) The Iris Device restructures water into a life-affirming form. The Iris has many uses, the most popular being under your sink. It also can be fitted to your shower, indoor or outdoor taps, washing machine, sprinkler, air
Orion 1 1/4” MEA Water ® Device
$4,195.00 $AUD
Orion 1 1/4” MEA Water ® Device (agriculture | industrial) The Orion restructures water into a life-affirming form. It has many applications, the most popular being your agricultural or industrial enterprise. It is typically used in vineyards, garden nurseries, cropping and livestock farms plus fitted to swimming pools. The Orion
Proteus 1” MEA Water ® Device
$3,495.00 $AUD
Proteus 1” MEA Water ® Device (farm | business) The Proteus restructures water into a life-affirming form. It has many applications, the most popular being your small or lifestyle farm. It can be fitted to your groundwater bore, water tank, swimming pool or medium building. The Proteus is an inline
Replacement New Glass Bottle
$15.00 $AUD
Replacement New Glass Bottle While we wait for new stock, you can use bottled water, soft drink or soda bottles, as most will fit the Apollo with its universal thread. ---- Our new bottle for use with the Apollo (Bottle Top) magnetic vortex device (Chrome or Gold). Designed with the ideal gradient
Replacement Original Glass Bottle
$15.00 $AUD
Replacement Original Glass Bottle While we wait for new stock, you can use bottled water, soft drink or soda bottles, as most will fit the Apollo with its universal thread. ---- Our original bottle for use with the Apollo (Bottle Top) magnetic vortex device (Chrome or Gold). Designed with the ideal gradient
Rhea 1/2’’ MEA Water ® Device
$965.00 $AUD
Rhea 1/2’’ MEA Water ® Device (caravan | recreation vehicle | garden) The Rhea restructures water into a life-affirming form. It has many applications, the most popular being to your caravan or recreation vehicle. It also can be fitted to your boat, garden, hot water service or small building. The
Zeus 2” MEA Water ® Device
$5,470.00 $AUD
Zeus 2” MEA Water ® Device (industrial | commercial | agriculture) The Zeus restructures water into a life-affirming form. It has many applications, the most popular being your large scale industrial, commercial or agricultural enterprise. It is typically used in bottling plants, hotels, resorts, public utilities, and broad acre cropping
Replacement Apollo Bottle Top Washers
$0.00 $AUD
Replacement Apollo Bottle Top Washers We suggest that you regularly clean the Apollo and two inner rubber washers. Over time, the washers may need replacing. The steps for both cleaning and replacing washers are: Remove the two inner white washers with a pointed instrument. Immerse the Apollo and washers in
Apollo Chrome Bottle Top
$310.00 $AUD
Apollo Chrome Bottle Top (portable) At home or on the go, the Apollo Bottle Top Device restructures ordinary water into a life-affirming form. The Apollo can also be used for other liquids, e.g. wine, spirits, milk, juice and essential oil. It is easy to use. Potential Benefits: Water tastes soft
Apollo Chrome Bottle Top + 2 Glass Bottles
$340.00 $AUD
Apollo Chrome Bottle Top + 2 Glass Bottles in Jute Carry Bag (portable) At home or on the go, the Apollo Bottle Top Device restructures ordinary water into a life-affirming form. The Apollo can also be used for other liquids, e.g. wine, spirits, milk, juice and essential oil. It is
Apollo Gold Bottle Top
$425.00 $AUD
Apollo Gold Bottle Top (portable) At home or on the go, the Apollo Bottle Top Device restructures ordinary water into a life-affirming form. The Apollo can also be used for other liquids, e.g. wine, spirits, milk, juice and essential oil. It is easy to use. Potential Benefits: Water tastes soft
Apollo Gold Bottle Top + 2 Glass Bottles
$455.00 $AUD
Apollo Gold Bottle Top + 2 Glass Bottles in Jute Carry Bag (portable) At home or on the go, the Apollo Bottle Top Device restructures ordinary water into a life-affirming form. The Apollo can also be used for other liquids, e.g. wine, spirits, milk, juice and essential oil. It is
Apollo Jute Carry Bag
$10.00 $AUD
Apollo Jute Carry Bag Take your Apollo Bottle Top and two glass bottles with you in this stylish and sturdy jute carry bag. A bottle of wine also fits nicely in the bag. All Apollo Bottle Top and two glass bottle purchases come packaged in the bag. It makes the